"Time was God's first creation." --Walter Lang.
This is one of those cheap, giant 30" wall clocks that you can purchase from Target, Lowes or Home Depot. They are made to look like the clock surface is chiseled from ancient marble but the entire thing is just aluminum which makes the clock light to hang and work with.
Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera.
Lens: Rodenstock Geronar 150mm F6.3 lens in a Copal 0 shutter.
Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film. Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5" using a rotary trimmer under 11w red bulb safelight.
Exposure: 1/60th @ F16
Lighting: Alien Bees B800 studio strobe @ 1/2 power in 22" soft white beauty dish with diffusion sock, positioned above and slightly in front of camera position. A 30" silver reflector on reflector stand positioned to camera left to bounce some light back onto the subject.
Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert. 6 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Tap water stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film clips.
Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. Toned to match the actual color of the clock in post.