When was the last time the inside of this house has heard laughter... A weather ravaged abandoned house within the town of Hoopersville on Middle Hoopers Island on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The island is as narrow as fifty feet across at spots and the high point sits only three feet above sea level. In many spots you can see where the Chesapeake Bay, which surrounds the island, has intruded on the land and consumed it, leaving houses like this one to be inaccessible to normal vehicle and foot traffic. Rising water levels in the Chesapeake threaten many such islands and their inhabitants.
Camera: Busch Pressman Model D 4x5 large format press camera.
Lens: Graflex Optar 135mm F4.7 lens in a Graphex shutter with Kodak Series VI yellow filter.
Film: Kodak Ektascan BR/A single-sided X-Ray film. Purchased from zzmedical.com as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5". Film rated at 80 ISO.
Exposure: 1/15th @ F32.
Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adonol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert. Semi-Stand for 15 minutes with initial minute of inversions then 10 seconds of inversion on minutes one and two then let it sit until minute 14 when I do a final ten seconds of inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung to dry.
Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. Cropped in post processing.