A set of stone steps found at the Reading Museum Arboretum. There was more wind swirling around than I usually like to shoot in but the remnants of Hurricane Arthur were making their presence known as it was passing far off the Atlantic coast.
Technical details:
Busch Pressman Model D 4x5 large format press camera.
Graflex Optar 135mm F4.7 lens in a Graphex shutter.
Wratten yellow #8 filter on lens using a Kodak series VI slip-on filter adapter.
Kodak Ektascan BR/A single-sided X-Ray film shot at ISO 50.
1/2 second @ F32.
Semi-stand development in Rodinal/Adox Adonal 1:100 dilution for 15 minutes in Mod54 daylight developing tank.
Negative scanned with Epson V600.