An old chicken coop located at Batsto Historic Village in Hammonton, New Jersey. Batsto Village is like a snapshot of time from our past where a small farming and industrial complex demonstrates what life was like in the 1700s and 1800s. It has cottages, barns, a mansion, blacksmith shop, grist mill, saw mill, general store, iron furnace, glass works, ice house and a lake with a dam, all very picture worthy. It's a nice place to spend a couple of hours photographing or to take the family. More information on Batsto Village, on their web site:
Technical details:
Busch Pressman Model D 4x5 LF press camera.
Schneider Angulon 90mm F6.8 lens in a Linhof Compur shutter.
Arista EDU 200 Ultra B&W Negative Film, shot at ISO 160.
1/15 second @ F45.
Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Mod54 daylight tank. 6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius.
Negative scanned with Epson V600.
Slightly warm-toned in post.