Sandy Hook Lighthouse is the oldest standing lighthouse in the United States. Located in Sandy Hook, Monmouth County New Jersey, the 103 foot tall, octagon shaped lighthouse stands at the center of Fort Hancock, a former army base that was setup to protect the New York Harbor approaches. The lighthouse first came into service in 1764 and a lighthouse keeper actively manned the light until approximately 1913. During the revolutionary war the British captured the lighthouse. An attack by the Continental Army led by Benjamin Tupper tried to to destroy the lighthouse with cannon fire to render it useless to the British, but after an hour of volleys, he “found the walls so firm that the cannon fire could make no impression.” The British continued to hold the lighthouse for much of the rest of the war. The lighthouse is now run by the National Park Service and is part of the Gateway National Recreation Area.
In addition to the B&W, I had also shot some Kodak Ektar color images from the front of the lighthouse. Those will be posted once I get enough color shots to do an entire batch of C-41 developing.