

A little about me and my photography...

I'm a non-commercial photographer who spends his free time divided between trying to be a good husband and increasing my skills as a photographer.  I started later in life with my photography hobby and have been playing catch up ever since.  I shot digital for fourteen years and in 2013 decided to really learn about the craft of photography by returning to its roots and learning film photography, film developing and darkroom printing. I love what I have learned.  Today I shoot with mostly large and medium format cameras who's designs are based on technology from the 1800s, producing film negatives in sizes all the way up to 8x10 inches.  I also use an array of 35mm film gear and even pinhole cameras to achieve certain images within my bodies of work.  

I don't dislike advances in the photography world like digital but I practice photography as a therapeutic way of getting away from all the tech in my daytime job.  For me it all comes down to there being more of "me" in the photo if I am responsible for seeing it through from loading the film to making the exposure to developing the film in the darkroom to scanning or printing the negative with traditional darkroom chemicals on silver gelatin paper.  

In 2014 I did a 4x5 for 365 project which pushed me to make many quality images over the course of that year, all with the 4x5" large format film camera, so that I could post one image a day for 365 days.  That taught me a lot about every aspect of the craft.  I have since moved on to work mostly in a book project based workflow.  I have several different long term self published book projects each with their own subject matter and images produced for these book projects are being created using sometimes vastly different tools, though all film based. It keeps me very busy and pushes me to always seek out knowledge and improve my craft.  I enjoy teaching others what I have learned along the way when I can. 

Noticeable influences in my work include the very inspirational works of:

  • Charles Sheeler
  • David Plowden
  • Wright Morris
  • Walker Evans
  • Wynn Bullock
  • Paul Caponigro
  • George Tice
  • John Bower
  • Minor White
  • Abalerdo Morrel
  • Paul Strand

In addition to this web site you can find me on:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/greggobst  (@GreggObst)
Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/greggobst

To contact me via email: Gregg.Obst@Gmail.com