That's one small step for cow, one giant leap for cowkind.
Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera.
Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter. Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.
Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 400 ISO.
Exposure: 2 seconds @ F22.
Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right. Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ 1/2 power.
Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.
Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.