I've shot at historic Millbrook Village in New Jersey countless times in the past and each time I walked this path it reminded me of a set from one of the episodes of the Twilight Zone set in a small village in the mid 1800s. I just wish they had buried the electrical wires instead of putting them up on poles because it really detracts from the otherwise almost perfect authenticity of the place.
Technical details:
Busch Pressman Model D 4x5 LF press camera.
Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 in Copal B shutter.
Kodak Ektascan BR/A single-sided X-Ray film.
1/4 second @ F45.
Semi-stand development in Rodinal 1:100 for 15 minutes in Mod54 daylight tank.
Scanned with Epson V600 and cropped in post.