
4x5 for 365 project (63/365)

Today's project entry features a vintage Olympus OM-1n 35mm SLR.  The OM-1n is the similar to the earlier OM-1MD, with a redesigned film advance lever, a flash ready/sufficient flash LED in the viewfinder, and automatic X-sync regardless of the position of the FP/X switch when coupled with a T-series flash unit mounted on Flash Shoe 4.  This OM-1 series was introduced by Olympus in 1973.  I picked this one up at a street flea market in Philadelphia in the Summer of 2013. The lens has issues that keep it from focusing and eventually I will get around to getting a new 50mm lens for it.  The body is the smallest of my 35mm SLR bodies and it would be nice to have it as an operating walk around camera one day. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Rodenstock Geronar 150mm F6.3 lens in a Copal 0 shutter.  Hoya Yellow-Green filter on the lens. 

Film: Ilford Delta 100 B&W Negative Film, shot at box speed. 

Exposure: 1/60th @ F32. 

Lighting: Subject placed in light tent and lit from above with one Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock @ full power. Strobe triggered with PocketWizard Plus II radio triggers. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 12 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath.  Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.

4x5 for 365 project (62/365)

Sometimes all you have is the roof over your head.  Sometimes you don't even have that.  Ruins from blast furnace # 8 at Lockridge Furnace in Alburtis, Pennsylvania. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Rodenstock Geronar 150mm F6.3 lens in a Copal 0 shutter.  Hoya Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 1/15th @ F45. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. 

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. cropped to taste in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (61/365)

This is the main church at St. Paul's UCC in Amity, Pennsylvania.  The church was dedicated in May of 1925 and holds two services weekly on Sunday for its 700+ members. 

Camera: Homemade 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole (lensless) camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO.  

Exposure: 8 seconds.

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  7 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung to dry. 

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.   Cropped in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (60/365)

This is the main furnace structure at Lockridge Furnace in Alburtis, Pennsylvania.  Today it houses a museum that details the iron industry in the lehigh Valley in the 1800s and early 1900s. 

Camera: Homemade 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole (lensless) camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture. 

Lens: None. 

Film: Arista EDU 100 Ultra 100 ISO B&W Negative Film (Re-branded Fomapan), shot at ISO 64. 

Exposure: 10 seconds.

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath.  Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Cropped to desired size in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (59/365)

This is the St. Paul's UCC Chapel in Amity, Pennsylvania.  It stands next to the much larger yellow brick church that serves the present congregation.  The chapel was built sometime after 1917 when a fire ravaged an earlier Sunday school chapel building on the same spot.  Many of the same bricks used in hte earlier school's construction were used to build the present chapel building.  

I tried a little something different with the pinhole for this shot and took a sheet of Saran Wrap (clear, very thin plastic) and wiped it on some of the snow and ice piles that are covered with road salt in order to give it some dirty texture and grit then I draped that sheet over the front of the 4x5 wooden pinhole camera.  I think I still need to play with the distance between the pinhole and the Saran Wrap to get the exact feel I was going for but it's a start.  I burned the edges a bit in Lightroom to add some drama.  

Camera: Home made 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO.  

Exposure: 8 seconds.

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  7 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung to dry. 

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.   Cropped in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (58/365)

A cabin on the site of a brigade encampment led by General Peter Muhlenberg during the long, hard Winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge.  Created at Valley Forge National Historic Site with a homemade wooden 4x5 large format pinhole camera. 

Camera: Homemade 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO.  

Exposure: 12 seconds.

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  7 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung to dry. 

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. Cropped in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (57/365)

Even the trees have grown weary of this never ending Winter and wish to sprout their leaves in defiance of the snow and the gloom and the biting cold.  Created at Valley Forge National Historic Site. 

Camera: Home made 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Arista EDU 100 Ultra 100 ISO B&W Negative Film (Re-branded Fomapan), shot at ISO 64. 

Exposure: 12 seconds.

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Dodging, burning and warm toning done on separate layers in Photoshop CS5.

4x5 for 365 project (56/365)

St. Paul's UCC Church Cemetery in Amity, Pennsylvania contains some very old gravestones, some dating back to the 1700s. A nice setting for a shot with the 4x5 pinhole camera. 

Camera: Home made 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO.  

Exposure: 8 seconds.

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  7 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung to dry. 

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. 

4x5 for 365 project (55/365)

The United States Memorial Arch, located at the intersection of Outerline Drive and Gulph Road within the Valley Forge National Historic Site, was erected to commemorate the arrival of General George Washington and his Continental Army into Valley Forge.

Camera: Home made 4x5 wooden and brass pinhole camera. 0.4mm diameter laser cut pinhole, 90mm focal length giving F225 aperture.  

Lens: None.

Film: Arista EDU 100 Ultra 100 ISO B&W Negative Film (Re-branded Fomapan), shot at ISO 64. 

Exposure: 8 seconds.

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. 

4x5 for 365 project (54/365)

Porsche, There is No Substitute.

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 35 seconds @ F45 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power.  The reflection of the black background causes the mirror surface to reflect as black. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. cropped to taste in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (53/365)

I went looking for textures and abstraction in our refrigerator the other day and and found Broccoli. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 35 seconds @ F45 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power.  The reflection of the black background causes the mirror surface to reflect as black. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. Cropped to taste in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (52/365)

Squirrel in Heaven.  

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 35 seconds @ F45 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power.  The reflection of the black background causes the mirror surface to reflect as black. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. Lightly warm toned in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (51/365)

A simple Slinky reflecting on a mirror, a shot that works well with the high contrast nature of X-Ray film to feature the specular highlights from the metal of the Slinky. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 35 seconds @ F45 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power.  The reflection of the black background causes the mirror surface to reflect as black. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. 

4x5 for 365 project (50/365)

This is a carved statue depicting a Mother and her Son.  A valentines day gift for my Wife, one of the most loving Mothers I know. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 20 seconds @ F22 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera left.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Slightly sepia toned in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (49/365)

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." --Oscar Wilde

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens.

Film: Fuji Super HR-T 30 medium speed green sensitive X-Ray film.  Purchased as 8x10" sheets and cut down to 4x5".  Film rated at 100 ISO. 

Exposure: 20 seconds @ F22 after compensation for filter factor, bellows extension and film reciprocity. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power. 

Development: Self Developed film in Rodinal (Adox Adinol) 1:100 in three reel Paterson Universal Tank using Mod54 six sheet 4x5 insert.  6 1/2 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius with minimal inversions. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo. Hung on shower curtain to dry on film.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. 

4x5 for 365 project (48/365)

My Holga family.  You can never have too many plastic cameras in your collection.  Clockwise from top right: 120GN (645 and 6x6 formats with glass lens).  120 PAN (Panoramic 6x9 and 6x12 formats) to which I added a bubble level and step up ring adapter to mount 67mm filters as well as the velcro mod that helps keep the back from coming off. 120N (645 and 6x6 formats) with velcro mod that helps keep the back from falling off.  120 WPC panoramic pinhole (6x9 and 6x12 formats) to which I have done the sanding down mod to prevent mechanical vignetting around the "lens" opening and also added a 67mm step up ring to attach filters.  The 120 WPC still need to have its front re-painted after the sanding mod.  The 120GN, 120N and 120 PAN have also been modded to include a velcro cover for the red frame counter window and the black gaffers tape mod for the inside holes above the front of the frame chamber to prevent light leaks. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Rodenstock Geronar 150mm F6.3 lens in a Copal 0 shutter. Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.

Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 400 ISO. 

Exposure: 2 seconds @ F32. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ 1/2 power. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.

4x5 for 365 project (47/365)

That's one small step for cow, one giant leap for cowkind.  

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.

Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 400 ISO. 

Exposure: 2 seconds @ F22. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ 1/2 power. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass. 

4x5 for 365 project (46/365)

Poohlaroid.  One day I'll actually break down and buy a battery from the FPP store and see if this flea market find still works.  I have pack film for it. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.

Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 400 ISO. 

Exposure: 12 seconds @ F32. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ 1/2 power. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Cropped to taste in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (45/365)

Ansel's Trilogy.  The Camera, The Negative, The Print.  Read it, know it, live it. 

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.

Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 400 ISO. 

Exposure: 2 seconds @ F32. 

Lighting: Lit from a constant light made up of four 25 watt daylight balanced CFL bulbs in a four socket adapter placed on a light stand and diffused through a home made diffuser made of white bridal satin around a pvc pipe frame positioned to camera right.  Above the subject was placed an Alien Bees B800 studio strobe in a 22" white lined beauty dish with diffusion sock with just the modeling light on @ full power. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Cropped to taste in Lightroom 4.

4x5 for 365 project (44/365)

Focused to infinity...and beyond !

Camera: Calumet 45NX 4x5 large format monorail view camera. 

Lens: Fujinon-W 210mm F5.6 lens in a Copal B shutter.  Yellow-Green filter on the lens to improve contrast.

Film: Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Negative Film, shot at 200 ISO. 

Exposure: 1/30th second @ F32. 

Lighting: Alien Bees B800 studio strobe @ 3/4 power in 22" soft white beauty dish with diffusion sock, positioned above and slightly in front of camera position.  A 45" white reflector on reflector stand positioned to camera left to bounce some light back onto the subject.  A second B800 strobe @ 1/32 power in a 12X48" gridded strip box positioned horizontal to the table at camera right.  Strobes triggered with PocketWizard Plus II radio triggers. 

Development: Self Developed in Kodak Xtol 1+2 dilution in Paterson Universal Tank using the Taco Method. 13 minutes @ 20 degrees Celsius. Kodak indicator stop bath. Ilford Rapid Fixer. Photo-Flo rinse.

Scanning: Negative scanned with Epson V600 in two scans and merged back together in PhotoShop since the V600 doesn't natively support 4x5 scans in one pass.  Cropped to square in Lightroom 4.